11 Feb 2013 Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer and guests Comic Luisa Omeilan and Nunhead Yank Jeff Kuntz!!

11 Feb 2013 Luisa Kuntz Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer. The only radio program for Americans living in Nunhead and for all Nunheaders, with a special focus on the increasingly in-demand area of Nunhead Heights.


What an amazing show! Lisa Moyle was back. Chris was perfect but it takes me a while to adapt to change. Our guests tonight are the beautiful very funny English comic Luisa Omielan and Nunhead Missourian Jeff Kuntz, both full on at war with me, the host! Can you believe that? What other celebrity can take the heat?

Luisa spoke of her new run of shows at the Soho Theatre and how she is gaining ground in the comedy industry with her show "What Would Beyonce Do?" I am being left in her dust! And Jeff... well, I hate to say it but he makes me laugh. And everyone else, too.

The fantastic Dulwich Ukulele Club with Richard Guard and the beautiful Anna Crockatt. Handsome Italian Claudio ran the deck. Brilliant broadcasting! Our BEST SHOW EVER! Thank you Laura Synthesis, our Nunhead American Radio Listener Representative for her input.

She reviewed the show thusly:

(not a poem this week)

The News of Nunhead almost spoiled it, but the guests pulled it back to make this the best show you've ever done! 10/10  - The Jeff Kuntz Fan Club

facebook us at Nunhead American Radio

@lewisschaffer - twitter feed

#Nunhead on twitter

Listen to Lewis Schaffer on the Radio Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer every Monday evening at 10:30PM on www.resonancefm.com and 104.4fm London. Or listen to the show’s podcasts at www.bit.ly/NunheadAmericanRadio 

Leicester Square Theatre Shows - Starting 3 March 2013 Sundays 6 PM £10 Tickets: Tickets at Leicester Square Theatre

Lewis Schaffer live every Tuesday and Wednesday: Lewis Schaffer is Free until Famous, The Source Below, 11 Lower John Street, London W1F 9TY. Come on down. Free admission. Or reserve at bit.ly/londonfreeshow

17 Dec 2012 Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer with American singer Edori Fertig and Nunheader Ed Hammond!!

17 Dec 2012  Zed Fertig Hammond Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer. The only radio program for Americans living in Nunhead and for all Nunheaders, with a special focus on the increasinging in-demand area of Nunhead Heights.

Our  guests this week are the beautiful near-Nunhead American singer and artist Edori Fertig and the Nunhead travel expert Ed Hammond.  Talking about, if I remember, Edori growing up in Cedarhurst, Long Island, and Ed's Dad being the bass player in Jethro Tull.

They join our the Nunhead American Radio House Band, the Dulwich Ukulele Club with Richard Guard, Anna Crockatt, Peter Hudson, and for the first time in a while Zed Jai (!) singing another original song - this time their Christmas single about Australia. It is  brilliant micro-broadcasting all about me, Nunhead, my guests and me!

 @lewisschaffer - twitter feed

With the Lovely Lisa Moyle, our co-host. Claudio on the desk. Chris Dixon listens in to make sure it's going well. Live Radio - Our best show ever!!!

Listen to Lewis Schaffer on the Radio Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer every Monday evening at 10:30PM on www.resonancefm.com and 104.4fm London. Or listen to the show’s podcasts at www.bit.ly/NunheadAmericanRadio

See Lewis Schaffer live every Tuesday and Wednesday: Lewis Schaffer is Free until Famous, The Source Below, 11 Lower John Street, London W1F 9TY. Come on down. Free admission. Or reserve at www.bit.ly/londonfreeshow

10 Dec 2012 Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer. Guests: Nunhead Cllr Renata Hamvas and Musos Brian Damage and Krysstal!!

10 Dec 2012  Damage Krysstal Hamvas  Nunhead American Radio with Lewis. The only radio program for Americans living in Nunhead and for all Nunheaders, with a special focus on the increasinging in-demand area of Nunhead Heights. 

Our  guests this week are funny musician Irishman Brian Damage and his girlfirend Krysstal and knowledgeable Nunhead Heights Councillor Renata Hamvas. Talking about news of Nunhead and singing songs. 

They join our the Nunhead American Radio House Band, the Dulwich Ukulele Club with Richard Guard, Anna Crockatt (and Peter Hudson is missing) who sing another original song. It is all brilliant micro-broadcasting all about me, Nunhead, my guests and me!

Join our facebook page: Nunhead American Radio

 @lewisschaffer- twitter feed


Lovely co-host Lisa Moyle is away so Randy sits in Lisa's seat.  With Chris Dixon on the desk. Our best show ever!!!

Listen to Lewis Schaffer on the Radio Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer every Monday evening at 10:30PM on www.resonancefm.com/listen and 104.4fm London. Or listen to the show’s podcasts at www.bit.ly/NunheadAmericanRadio

See Lewis Schaffer live every Tuesday and Wednesday: Lewis Schaffer is Free until Famous, The Source Below, 11 Lower John Street, London W1F 9TY. Come on down. Free admission. Or reserve at www.bit.ly/londonfreeshow

Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer 8th October 2012 Nunhead Beekeeper Shirley Bassey and Nunhead American Rebecca Allen!!

8 Oct 12  Bassy Becky Voice of Americans with Lewis Schaffer - Nunhead American Radio. The only radio program for Americans living in Nunhead and for all of Nunhead.


Click here to download:
Nunhead_American_Radio_1st_October_2012.mp3 (20.64 MB)
With our favourite guests, lovely Sharon Bassey, London Beekeeper of the Year. Nunhead's Own! And lovely Kansan American Nunhead artist Rebecca Allen.  Plus, our House Band, the Dulwich Ukulele Club with Richard Guard and Anna Crockatt play a song It is all brilliant micro-broadcasting all about me and Nunhead and my guests!!!

Lovely co-host Lisa Moyle. With Chris Dixon on the desk. Our best show ever!!!

@lewisschaffer - twitter feed

Listen to Lewis Schaffer on the Radio Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer every Monday evening at 10:30PM on www.resonancefm.com and 104.4fm London. Or listen to the show’s podcasts at bit.ly/NunheadAmericanRadio

See Lewis Schaffer live every Tuesday and Wednesday: Lewis Schaffer is Free until Famous, The Source Below, 11 Lower John Street, London W1F 9TY. Come on down. Free admission. Or reserve at bit.ly/londonfreeshow

Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer 28 May 2012 with Nunhead Artist Rebecca Allen and English Comic David Jesudason

Nunhead American Radio 28 May 2012 Allen, Jesudason The Voice of Americans with Lewis Schaffer of Nunhead. The only radio program for Americans living in the inner-city London suburb of Nunhead, equi-distant from New Cross Gate, Peckham, East Dulwich and Honor Oak Park. Is there a place more centrally located to the places you want to be?

Our best show ever. We discuss relationships between men and women with Nunhead American artist Becky Allen - the beautiful and wholesome Kansas girl - and Asian-English comic David Jesudasan, who I thought was Mauritious but wasn't. See him weekly at the The Hungry Miller Comedy Club steps from our studio in Borough. He claims it is London Bridge.

Posted late because of the bank holiday and we got the cutout of the show late and I was in Newcastle. Honestly, I can't remember what we talked about only that Chris Dixon climbed under the console to speak into the mike. Good radio, says Chris. With lovely, lovely, Lisa Moyle, our American co-host. Enjoy. 

@lewisschaffer on twitter

Nunhead American Radio on facebook "Voice of Americans"

Lewis Schaffer is Free until Famous in Soho
Every Tuesday & Wednesday 8pm Free Admission.
Reserve at www.sourcebelow.com 

Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer
Every Monday 10:30pm
www.resonancefm.com 104.4fm London
On iTunes www.bit.ly/NunheadAmericanRadio

Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer 23 April 2012 with Councillor Rosie Shimell and Comic Paul Ricketts!

23 Apr 2012 Shimell, Ricketts. Our best show ever. The Voice of Americans with Lewis Schaffer of Nunhead and co-host Lisa Moyle. Join our guest Liberal Democrat Rosie Shimell from Nunhead Heights. She grew up here and alternated between calling it Nunhead and Peckham Rye! Now she represents East Dulwich and knows it's now Nunhead Heights. And she is only 23 years old. I have been a disappointment more years than she has been alive. Also, my good friend and Afro-Caribbean Bedfordshire-Englishman Paul Ricketts came on in. He subsitituted ably for expected guest Nick McNeill, formerly of Ihe Ivy House Pub

who couldn't make it, and I understand why. He lost his job and his home in the pending sale of the pub. I know what it is like to lose a job and a home - I have lost a few. He's rearranged to be on the show Monday, 30th April 2012. Paul is doing a big gig at the Leicester Square Theatre for my old friend Martin Witts. Martin, call me!

Chris Dixon is on the soundboard and with the beautiful voice. Enjoy this, our best show, ever!

@lewisschaffer - twitter feed 

Listen to Lewis Schaffer on the Radio Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer every Monday evening at 10:30PM on www.resonancefm.com and 104.4fm London. Or listen to the show’s podcasts at bit.ly/NunheadAmericanRadio

See Lewis Schaffer test  the news items at the Hungry Miller Comedy Club at The Miller by Borough High Street this Monday at 8PM. Fantastic night of comedy with Britain's top comics and me, briefly. Only £6! 

See Lewis Schaffer live every Tuesday and Wednesday: Lewis Schaffer is Free until Famous, The Source Below, 11 Lower John Street, London W1F 9TY. Come on down. Free admission. Or reserve at bit.ly/londonfreeshow



Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer 26 March 2012 with Nunhead Elderly Helper Martin Soan and Comedy Blogger John Fleming!!

26 Mar 2012 Soan, Fleming  Our best show ever. Voice of Americans with Lewis Schaffer of Nunhead. The only radio show for Americans living in Nunhead. Accept no imitations. Co-hostedby lovely Lisa Moyle, from East Dulwich and somewhere near Peekskill, New York.

He is joined by the man who no one knows what he does - John Fleming. Promoter of the Malcolm Hardee awards? Big time blogger? Comedy promoter?

Guests this week include Nunheader Martin Soan, entertainer, variety show promoter, and volunteer for the Southwark Circle. The Southwark Circle is an organization that helps the elderly and the infirm do things that their families should be doing for them, but don’t do because these needy people have alienated their families with their selfishness. Martin Soan gets naked for Southwark Circle - why he needs to get naked, we don't know - but it was for a good cause.

Also on the show is John Fleming, blogger, comedy know-it-all and friend of Malcolm Hardee. John didn't know that he was appearing on the show. I did not tell him as to save him from becoming a nervous wreck. And on the show, he doesn't say a thing.

One man naked. The other not speaking. Classic radio!

With Chris Dixon doing the hard part, getting us on the air!

Y’all listen in!


Blog at LewisSchaffer.wordpress.com

Listen to Lewis Schaffer on the Radio.
Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer every Monday evening at 10:30PM on www.resonancefm.com and 104.4fm London. Or listen to the show’s podcasts at www.bit.ly/NunheadAmericanRadio

See Lewis Schaffer live every Tuesday and Wednesday at the Source Below. Free admission. Reserve at http://bit.ly/londonfreeshow

Nunhead American Radio 27 Feb 2012 with the Nunhead Choir and American Jeff Kuntz

27 Feb 2012 Choir & Jeff Kuntz.  Our best show ever.

Sorry for the delay in uploading it. Lewis Schaffer, me, host of Voice of Americans with Lewis Schaffer of Nunhead and co-host Lisa Moyle, have three fantastic guests. Richard Swan and Kay Perry of the Nunhead Choir and American Jeff Kuntz, Nunhead Resident and full-on real American.  He sang a rap about me that made me laugh. Good fun for all.

See Lewis Schaffer Live at the Source Below in Soho every Tuesday and Wednesday. Go to www.sourcebelow.com to reserve or www.lewisschaffer.co.uk for slightly more info.


Nunhead American Radio on facebook: Voice of Americans

Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer 20 February 2012 with comic Ivor Dembina, & Nunhead restaurant Folk Gion Leka and Bobby Dowler!!

20 Feb '12 Ivor Dembina, Gion Leka. Listen to the Voice of Americans from Nunhead. The only Radio program for Americans living in Nunhead. Our best show, ever!  English comic Ivor Dembina on fine form as he sits in with Frog on the Green proprietor, Nunhead resident and former Albanian, Gion Leka. He brought along Bobby Dowler, an artist and restauranter-in-arms (with Gion) at the Provisional Soup Kitchen on Copeland Road. Bobby's from the oppressed nation of Croydon, south east London.  It just happened an hour ago and I can't remember a thing - that is the mark of a great, great show. Oh, Ivor was trying out jokes!


Gion and I had met perhaps eight years ago at the Father's Baby and Toddler Group at the Townley Road Clinic, run by lovely Penny in East Dulwich. I hadnt remembered him when I called him on the phone to arrange for him to come on the show - such a small small world Nunhead is! He told me how I was laid low at the time and was a very attentive father, going often, for instance, to wipe my son's nose.

Lisa Moyle was wonderful again as co-host. Hannah Brown was expertly manning the tech desk. Enjoy!

Listen live every Monday at 10:30pm London Time on www.resonancefm.com streaming or in Nunhead at 104.4fm

See Lewis Schaffer is Free until Famous live at the Source Below, 11 Lower John Street, Soho, London W1F 9TY.  Info and reservations at www.sourcebelow.com. Live, free comedy with moments of theatre and drama.

Nunhead American Radio 30 January 2012 with Nunhead Artist Morganico.com, technologist Super Zuma, and Nunhead Comic Liam Mullone!!!

30 Jan 12 w/Morganico.com & Liam Mullone. Our best show! Voice of Americans with Nunhead-New Yorker Lewis Schaffer and lovely co-host Nunhead Borders resident Lisa Moyle. Our amazing guests this week are the incredible Morganico, a prime mover behind getting the skateboard ramps Southwark in in Nunhead's Peckham Rye Park, and local arrtist who painted the decorative bollards and the electricity sub-station on Forest Hill Road outside the Herne Tavern. Joining Morganico.com is his funny black friend Super Zuma (aka Elkin Gordon Atwell) who was running security for  Morganico.com and is himself a social entrepreneur and technologist. Laconic, droll and cynical comic Liam Mullone, maybe Nunhead's top comic, if we don't count Lewis Schaffer, pays us a return visit.  We ticked boxes! Enjoy!

hannah Brown is working the tech desk as Leanne Bower has decided she needs to go to sleep early on Mondays. With lovely Lisa Moyle, fascinating and beautiful as ever!