Voice of Americans with Lewis Schaffer of Nunhead is the only radio broadcast in the world for Americans living in Nunhead! This week we are joined by new Nunhead American, the beautiful Rebecca Allen of Ivydale Road! She is an artist, mother and a Nunheader, having moved in from East Dulwich! Listen and enjoy me, Lewis Schaffer, co-host Lisa Moyle and producer Chris Dixon!
The Dulwich Ukulele Club join the Voice of Americans, the only radio program in the world for Americans living in Nunhead! We only have a few of them, and we only get a taste but we loved them and their song "There May be Glory" written for the 2010 English World Cup Campaign! The American guy didn't turn up!
Voice of Americans, the only radio show for Americans living in Nunhead, welcomes Harmony Ridgely, a beautiful Colorado American girl who lived in Lower Nunhead at the time of this broadcast. She, sadly, has since moved, but what a charming girl she was. With Chris Dixon and Lisa Moyle. We talk about how an American girl gets such an American name!
Beautiful American girl Amanda Baker joins the Voice of Americans, discussing how British men treat women and we talk about women, in general. This is a subject which Lewis Schaffer is expert!! Minnesotan Amanda, now living not far from Nunhead Heights, is always a fascinating guest and an amazing person, and listen as the sparks fly! With lovely Lisa Moyle and our resident Englishman, Chris Dixon!
Non-studio show. Here we've aired the special Nunhead Hannukah Christmas special show - taped in Randy Klein's art studio in Nunhead. Randy Klein is an American, a New Yorker, an artist and a Nunheader and he gives us a tour of what he's working on - making Lewis Schaffer envious with his success at being a working and successful artist. With Chris Dixon, Lisa Moyle and her kids, and I think with my children as well. After all, they are at least 50% American, too!
I don't think we had a guest this week so Lisa and I discuss living close to Shea Stadium and watching the New York Mets. And discussing the Eagles of Crystal Palace Football Club with Chris Dixon. A test show, of sorts, and not one of my favourites.
Lisa Moyle is back! American Chuquai Billy who lives in London, comedian and American Indian or as he calls himself 'Pre-America'! God Bless America! Talking about 'Red Indians'. Our 'Thanksgiving' Special.
David Randall-Goddard, American and musician from East Dulwich and plays music from his band 'Widescreen'.
Real New York girl Tara Smith of posh West London returns to the Voice of Americans. This is our first time with only one guest and I think it works. Lisa Moyle returns to co-host and Hannah Brown is back at tech as Chris Dixon is still on 'holiday'.
With guests: with sweet Nunheader and American Robin Schacht and with close English friend of Lewis Schaffer,and someone Lisa Moyle has met, comedian, producer, financial blogger and father: Dominic Frisby! Enjoy one of our early shows. I laugh far too much at my own jokes (8 December 2010)