Our guests Ophelia Bellio, owner of Nunhead's Restaurant "The Restaurant" and her husband. With Nunhead American and artist Randy Klein. Talk of Nunhead train station art work and the new health database called the BioBank!
Voice of America is joined by Simon Nundy, the Conservative Party candidate for Mayor of Lewisham in the last of our political shows. Regulars Lewis Schaffer, Lisa Moyle and Chris Dixon.
Real New York girl Tara Smith of posh West London returns to the Voice of Americans. This is our first time with only one guest and I think it works. Lisa Moyle returns to co-host and Hannah Brown is back at tech as Chris Dixon is still on 'holiday'.
Show Number 13. Lisa Moyle is not around for this show. Instead, we are joined by New Yorkers and Nunhead border people singer and artist Edori Fertig and artist Pippa Graber. Listen in as Lewis Schaffer and Chris Dixon talk about Americans moving to England years ago and what that was like. Ah, the bleakness!
Show Number 12 ! First show of the Spring Season. Lisa Moyle, our co-host, is here. Chris Dixon is out and in his unreplaceable place is Hannah. Lovely Nunhead Borders English comic Charmian Hughes is here and making a repeat appearance (where I call him 'Jamie') is Jeremy Operer, American from Nunhead!
With guests: with sweet Nunheader and American Robin Schacht and with close English friend of Lewis Schaffer,and someone Lisa Moyle has met, comedian, producer, financial blogger and father: Dominic Frisby! Enjoy one of our early shows. I laugh far too much at my own jokes (8 December 2010)
A bit too much of me talking, but that is just my opinion. I would have prefered to hear more from our amazing guests but this was one of our early shows! First, from Nunhead, a real American and artist, Mat Clum. Second, from Arizona, California and New York, musician, stand-up comic, former NYC Guardian Angel, and real 'Red Indian' (as the English call what we call 'Native Americans' - also misnomer as America didn't exist at that time) my friend, Chuquai Billy. With Lisa Moyle, Chris Dixon and Lewis Schaffer.
Our first shows with Jeremy Operer, a Nunhead American originally from Michigan and David Randall-Goddard, Artist, American, East Dulwich Borders resident! We discuss English casual racism!
John Fleming, author, promoter, film producer joins Lisa Moyle and Lewis Schaffer. Lovely Chris Dixon is away this week. He talks about the Malcolm Hardee Awards, which he founded, and working with Malcolm Hardee Award Winner Lewis Schaffer.