Nunhead American Radio with Lewis Schaffer 24th October 2011 with Nunhead Musician Hank Dogg and Comedy Guru Steve Bennett

24 Oct '11 Hank Dogg, Steve Bennett. This was our best show, EVER. Join Lewis Schaffer and Lisa Moyle Voice of Americans with Lewis Schaffer of Nunhead. Two amazing guests! Hank Dogg, the Nunhead rock n roll musician, playing a song or two including "Margaret Finch" - a fabulous guest who highlights how much musical talent and personality reside in Nunhead. Second, but by no means second, is Steve Bennett, the dude behind, the most visited comedy website in the UK. I love him cause he is sooo American: Have an idea and do it through sheer hard work and determination. I am envious as I am a lazy sod. "Sod"? Yes, sod, I said it. I am Englishy. I assume Leanne Bower is womanning the soundboard. I haven't listened since and I forget. If not, Chris Dixon. Either way, brilliant micro- broadcasting.

PS See my show at The Source Below. The longest-running solo stand

up comedy show in London.  Every Tuesday and Wednesday 8 PM. FREE (but I'll expect some money at the end if you laugh). 11 Lower John Street, Soho London W1F 9TY. Reserve and info at or


Voice of Americans with Lewis Schaffer of Nunhead 19th July 2010 with Mr. Chortle Steve Bennett!

Steve Bennett, Mr Chortle.Com joins us. He is a man I have tremendous respect for because has taken an idea, and through hard work, so unlike what I do, made it a huge success. I didn't listen to much of this show because I had my doubts as to it's merits - at this stage we were still working out the bugs in the show. Still, the dude is interesting and worth a listen. I flub what is to become one of my favorite jokes. I should have said: "Every nation thinks your comedians are the best because your comics know their audience, and know what makes you laugh. Your family and your friends always make you laugh more than strangers. So comedy is best with your family and friends. Its the opposite of sex, which is never good with your family or friends."  Okay, a long way to get there. If you can shorten it, let me know. With lovely Lisa Moyle.